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Epiphany Cathedral has been a Cathedral since 1985 and should remain undisturbed by modernization ventures .Remodeling Epiphany Cathedral after the recent replacements of windows, roof, the organ and the air conditioning, would undermine the cathedral's unique charm and historical value that has resonated with both parishioners and visitors for generations. Consequently, remodeling would disregard the cathedral's architectural authenticity, eroding its distinct design and the sense of reverence it evokes. By retaining the cathedral's original design, we honor Fr. Soy, its original designer, and keep its intrinsic beauty alive for future generations to encounter and appreciate.

By adding my name to the list, I join a collective force that strives for positive change. Together, we can amplify our voices and catalyze meaningful action. I am committed to making a difference, by pledging my support.


“ It breaks my heart that Bishop Dewane feels this is important. What would Jesus do?
I believe he would use the money to care for his children in Catholic schools, the poor, and the elderly that struggle in our area. I still have a child at Epiphany. That school needs so much work, but it is over looked for a church that needs small fixings, not a 28 million dollar renovation to stamp the bishops name on. It shows his true character, what a disgrace to our church and community.”

“I would like to see Epiphany renovated as needed but I think a new cathedral should be built elsewhere. Newer technologies could be used for a more modern facility and more space should be available to allow for more people to worship at the new church. “

”Please repair not rebuild and demolish Epiphany Cathedral! We need access with the 54 parking places being lost. We need to care for people with the 20,000,000+ being wasted. This is a beautiful in fact divine place to worship. Please save our Cathedral.🙏 “

 “I have been going to Epiphany Cathedral for 26 years, daily Mass. I don’t think it needs to look more like a Cathedral and the bell tower is unnecessary. Venice has many issues with parking spaces so why take away some more from the people attending Mass?? Please consider the voices of the parishioners who feel as I do. It is our church. Amen”

“I do not believe we need a new cathedral; I think it would be great waste of resources, and do not plan to support this financially.”


 “Not needed, beautiful as is. Support needed renovations.
Way too costly with lots of wasted, empty space., ie, bell tower. Will not support or put funds into the Bishop’ s appeals.

 “I hope and pray that our bishop will reconsider this project, making it a repair instead of a rebuild. There is much good that could be done for those in need in our community, with the $20 million proposed for a rebuild of a perfectly functioning church. Please Bishop Dewayne, prayerfully ask God for guidance in making this decision.”

“I oppose the renovation.”

“I agree that this money could be much better spent to help the poor, feed the hungry, and create affordable housing. The community and neighborhoods needs more parking places- not less! Thank you. “

January 30, 2024

Bishop Dewane and all concerned,

I wish to express my disappointment in the plan to expand Epiphany Cathedral at a time such as this. Our economy is in disarray, our children are not practicing their faith and we at Epiphany are doing nothing to support our faith community with this building plan. This plan is also being conducted in a sneaky manner. Details are in the local newspaper, but not being explained in Church or in our Church bulletin. Why is this a secret if it is such a wonderful plan?

In all sincerity, I see this new edifice being largely empty in 20 years unless we reach out to the younger generation and welcome them back to practicing the Catholic faith. Not to mention we will be in the church hall celebrating mass indefinitely with the slow pace of construction at present.

This plan for major renovation will not build up our faith community at Epiphany, it will tear it apart sending our parishioners to other parishes that don't have room for everyone. Like the COVID period we just experienced, fewer and fewer Catholics will make the effort to attend Mass.

This investment would be much better spent attracting the younger generation of fallen away Catholics back to Church. Few of our young families attend Mass each week and we are NOT meeting their needs.

I am very grateful and offer support for our Epiphany elementary and middle school, but what about the young families with children under 4? We are not meeting their needs and they are not attending Mass. Will they start practicing their faith once the children are school age? Not likely.

My daughter and her young family, newborn and 3-1/2 year old, although they are parishioners, have not felt welcome at Epiphany. Many parishioners criticize instead of encouraging our young families to practice their faith. This is EXACTLY why there are not young families at Church. My daughter has Catholic friends that now attend Protestant Churches as they feel a sense of support and community with programs geared to young families that we do not offer at Epiphany Cathedral.

We can look to the Protestant Churches that have many young people attending services for a plan on what we can do to rectify this situation. Starting with offering families with small children under 4 years old including babies, a faith formation program they can attend while their parents are at Mass. This would be a much better investment in the future of Epiphany Cathedral than building this edifice. Thank you for your consideration.

p.s. Have you seen the movie “The Bishop’s Wife” 1947? This same scenario played out of a Bishop wanting to build a glorious new Cathedral to honor the Lord. Spoiler alert, The angel Gabriel puts a stop to the plan. There is a lesson for all of us in the Christmas sermon at the end of the movie.

"All the stockings are filled, all that is, except one. And we have even forgotten to hang it up. The stocking for the child born in a manger. Its his birthday we're celebrating. Don't let us ever forget that.
Let us ask ourselves what He would wish for most. And then, let each put in his share, loving kindness, warm hearts, and a stretched out hand of tolerance. All the shinning gifts that make peace on earth."

I have always felt that Epiphany Cathedral is one of the most inviting structures that I’ve ever had the privilege to pray within. Already the perfect place to pray and seek the Lord.”

Please rethink your plans to redo the church. We are not in need of making the material needs and pride of the church being fancy. The lobby might be expanded but a new tower is wasteful. Using the money to invest so it can do more out reach and bring people back to chuch, reach out to the young who do not know or believe in God our Lord Jesus. The community must come before Pride in a show piece that does not give back or help anyone.”

This plan of the addition does nothing for the community and its parishioners. Please give the money planned for this addition for educating at the schools with programs to battle the “Satan clubs” and God willing create more of a desire for religious vocations and community service. Thank you for your consideration.”

“I'm the lady who wrote the letter to the Editor about this matter. I agree with you 100%. Make whatever repairs that are needed and cancel all construction plans. I for one will not support this project.”

“I don't disagree that $20m seems a bit of overkill. We could literally tear down the entire church building and rebuild another for less than that. I am also certainly no fan of the bishop however, the church DOES need some updating. $20m update? I think not. I do think that your movement would be taken alot more seriusly if you werent hiding behind the anonymity of a web page.”

“Liturgically, the Cathedral does need SOME renovation- particularly the placement of the Tabernacle where it is visible to all- The presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament is at the center of our faith and of the devotional life of Catholic people.
In addition, the schemata of the new sanctuary places a large corpus of Jesus Christ above the center of the altar. That placement will also remind us of WHO we are there to worship. I appreciate my opportunity to give all of you my personal feedback.”

“I believe the $20M expense should be used for other needs in the Diocese. I understand some updating and remodeling may be necessary since our recent hurricanes, however, we do not need a huge rebuild. We would lose parking spaces, we do not need a bell tower near on in the Memorial Gardens where my husband and many friends cremains have been placed. How about sharing $$$ fixing up older churches, investing in keeping the schools up to date, and helping us be the heart and hands of Christ here in the great Diocese of Venice. I am praying you will do the right decision, GOD’S Will.”

“I do not support this.”

“We are against the Bell Tower Renovation and support the preservation of the Cathedral. There are so many in need that could use our contributions.”

“I’m appalled to learn about this proposed project. Yes if it’s not broke don’t fix it, it would be a blatant use of money that should be distributed to some parishes that are in need of repair and community needs (home bound/ needy) I have viewed several parishes via Sunday Mass that. I’m sure would put some of that (50% Diocese 25% parishes) hold on a minute don’t all of those parishes part of the Diocese??? Oh yeah, also that additional 7,970 square feet doesn’t come with additional seating, why? additional seats require more parking, ( I believe the building code has something to do about that) and they are taking some parking away? It doesn’t add up, just do needed repairs here and throughout the Diocese, “give don’t take “
God Bless

“What is the official reason for such a drastic change and were less expensive alternatives considered.”

“I am unable to attend the informational meetings on the 15th and 21st. I am interested in how much it would cost to do all of the repairs to our current cathedral and how many years would it extend the useful life. If the answer is $15-20 million which I doubt then we should build a new facility. Our Savior did most of his preaching in the hillsides and fields with little or no shelter. I would imagine he would cringe at the thought of spending $20+ million on an edifice. Ask yourself as we ask our athletes to do “WWJD?” and the answer will be apparent. My guess is all of the necessary repairs can be made for less than $5 million extending the useful life by another 25 years and the savings could be put to work doing more of God’s work!”
“So many in need. Will spending $20 million save more souls and provide for those less fortunate? I am not convinced of that!”

“Would Pope Francis want to see 20 million spent on a renovation or would he want the same amount of money used for the poor. Knowing Pope Francis I think we know the answer. Shame on the Bishop and the diocese for coming up with this elaborate renovation that is not needed. It’s time for Bishop Dewane to retire. I stand against this project and will not contribute one dollar.”

“We don’t need or want another tower. We love our unique mosaic, It is original. We need more seats not another tower. I will not give a penny for this construction. No church for 2 years, unbelievable. How are we suppose to attend Mass in the parish hall during construction? It was difficult a few years when we had to do it during the summer while they fixed the air-conditioning.”

“I see no need of a cathedral expansion , and will not commit to any financial support. We paid for the windows, the organ , the, new landscaping, and repaved parking lot. IF the building needs repair, repair it.”

“I feel that whatever is needed to maintain our cathedral should be done without rebuilding at an unnecessary and ridiculous cost. Use the money for more pressing needs of our community. We don’t need a physical showpiece cathedral but a place of genuine Christian sharing. Please reconsider for a better use of the funds.”

“We have been coming to Epiphany Cathedral for 15 years . We live here during January February and March and come to daily Mass at 8:00 and love this Cathedral . We support this parish very strongly financially when we are here as well as the school on every one of their fundraisers . When we arrived here in January - I was told by one of my non Catholic neighbors about the plan to spend 20 Million Dollars on the renovation plan ! I couldn’t believe what she was telling me! I believe this is a total waste of diocesan funds and we will lose parishioners if this plan moves forward . We have beautifull Cathedral and if there are cracks in the walls repair them . We have a beautiful church in Pennsylvania that is 150 years old - I am on the finance committee for our parish and we repair the cracks as they appear and it doesn’t cost 20Million . I can’t believe that the parish council here in Venice would have approved this plan or was it developed by the hierarchy of the diocese . Again I think it is ridiculous ! The Bishop and hierarchy should ask themselves What would Jesus Do ?????”

“I am concerned about the proposed changes to the Epiphany Cathedral, the cost to the Epiphany congregation, as well as the costs to the Diocese of Venice and each of the individual parishes.
We should be using this money to help our Catholic Schools, to establish affordable housing for our families and the elderly. Our money should be used to do God’s Work!!!”

“We don't think this is necessary or needed. Over 20 year parishioners, George and Dee.”

“I have been a parishioner of Epiphany for 40 years and I think this is Bishop Dwayne's folly. I will not contribute one penny to this project. We have a beautiful church as is and $20 million could be better spent on more important projects.”

“I am very disturbed with this renovation. I don't believe it is necessary for remodeling of the church and the addition of a new bell tower. I can't grasp the reason for these changes. and we are expected to pay some of the cost? How about we concentrate more on our homeless.”

“If structural damage has occurred, then we need to repair. Why do we need to have more space but no more seats; currently, the chapel side of the cathedral is rarely full. It is impossible during season (I'm grateful for the seasonals) to find a parking space anywhere especially when there is an activity on the island's main parking lot. Asking parishioners to dig deep into our pockets when it is already difficult to many to feed families and pay bills, is not the time to make decorative changes in our church.”

“We love Epiphany as it is. If it needs normal maintenance we feel it should be taken care of, but a new church is not needed.
Invest in Catholic education. We have parishes still trying to recover from Ian. This community does not need a 20 million dollar church!”

“This is outrageous when so many other things could be done with that money and then tax other parishes. That’s wrong how dare this bishop or who’s ever in charge do this to struggling parishes and it’s people. This is unnecessary and wrong.”

“I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments about the unnecessary, lavish upgrades Epiphany is considering.”

“Where 2 or 3 are gathered in My name, there I am.”

“Jesus would rather that money be spent on those is need.”

“Praying that the leaders see that Epiphany is already a beautiful house of worship.”

“How sad that our beautiful Epiphany Cathedral will be demolished. I hope they change their mind and just have necessary repairs done. That sort of repairs is done customarily, it saves the beauty of our cathedral and a lot of Funds.”

“We feel that a $20M renovation of the already beautiful Epiphany Cathedral is a misplaced allocation of resources. These resources should instead be directed to helping people, not building monuments. There are many, many needs in our community (homelessness, poverty, etc.) where this capitol could be better used. At the very least, such a large commitment should demand more input by the diocesan community. (i.e. polls or votes!)”

“The extent of this project needs to be restrained. Maintenance with structural integrity should be the goal…not the “remodeling” of a beloved Cathedral.”

“Please re-consider plan.”

“The Cathedral is beautiful the way it is. Taking away more parking is not going to help get more people to worship it will cause more people from attending. This is wasteful money management and could go to help the immigrants in the fields, help feed the poor and many other good causes that we should be supported instead of wasting on an upgrade that is not needed.“

“I’m definitely opposed to this HUGE $25,000,000. “Castle”!
I’m really questioning the integrity of our Bishop! Jesus was a humble Shepard to his flock!
I will go elsewhere to another place of worship, if this actually happens!”

“We could have hoped for repairs and updates to enhance our Cathedral.
So many needs are unmet by this use of moneys.”

“Please keep the cathedral as it is. Our time and treasures could be better spent elsewhere.”

“There is no need for renovations. The church is fine.”

“I believe in our current time of change with the higher interest rates, we should minor changes to the church. Perhaps a fourth of the 25 million. Can we spend that money on giving to the poor, helping the homeless camps, helping the churches in the hurricane areas, so much more we could do with all that money. Please keep us informed.”

“Interested in following what is happening with this project and attending any informational meetings about the perceived need for these plans.”

“We were selected to meet with the fund-raising consultant. At this meeting I voiced my concerns with the process, not the need for some repairs. This is the fourth time a parish I belonged to has had a capital campaign either for an activity center or for renovation of the existing church or construction of a new church.
I expressed my dismay the parish was not consulted, asked to participate or approve of the work as was done in all previous campaigns. I voiced my sorrow as to the action of the Bishop who is acting as a LORD and not a servant and not as the true Lord in instructing the apostles to be servants - the least shall be first. I believe he is doing this to create a memorial to himself. I think Monsignor is following orders and is caught in the middle although the Church Office, Magi Hall, Library and Jesus Hut were all renovated by him without our being consulted.
I acknowledged there is need for repairs [pews. a/c, settlement problems]
I stated that due to the process I would only donate towards the repairs.”

 “We are retired, on a modest fixed income. We do not understand the goal of this investment. We would not support a plan of such grandiose expenditure.”

“I am against this . I don’t believe this is necessary . And the majority of our parishioners that I have talked to feel the same . This project makes no sense . I have been a member of Epiphany for 40 years and this Church has served us well . This 25+ million dollars could be used to help the people in our community who need help .If this does happen I will leave Epiphany . The impact of losing 55 parking spaces is ridiculous . Where are people going to park ? The lot across the street ? Can you see 100 people walking from there ? I don’t think so . The powers to be should rethink this project . My self and I believe many other parishioners will leave Epiphany.”

“I do not support a massive overhaul of the cathedral. I love our parish, but don't see the need to make significant changes, especially since we'll be forced to hold Mass in the parish hall. I'd be open to some upgrades inside the cathedral, but would like to know what they specifically are.”

“My husband and I are concerned parishioners of Epiphany Cathedral. We do not feel remodeling a church will bring more souls to God. Only people can do that. Epiphany Cathedral is a unique and beautiful church that seems to be able to accommodate people at Mass and other functions comfortably. We are in the middle of high season, and we have not seen all the pews full to capacity and overflowing to the chapel.
Spending $25 + million to turn our church into a "flagship" church for the diocese is egotistical and a sinful waste of money that could be spent on paying off debt, helping the school more, helping other charities and the poor. This is not good stewardship of our money and resources. Many parishioners in the diocese are still reeling from hurricane damage and poor economy.
We will support maintenance of the church and repairing of the foundation, plumbing and electrical.
The diocese should have two plans for the parishioners to choose from:
Plan 1. To perform necessary repairs and maintenance to the church. Explain in detail what needs to be done along with the cost.
Plan 2. To spell out in detail their new plans for total remodel with cost and timeframe.
If the diocese decides to go with the total remodel, my husband and I will leave Epiphany Cathedral parish and find another church to worship in.”

“Repair what needs fixing, spend whatever is needed for repairs and leave the rest alone !!”

“I am a parishioner of Epiphany and believe that the Church serves the community as it is now. If repairs need to be done then hire the appropriate people to repair those issues. I believe that if you start demolition of Epiphany to replace the cathedral that you will lose parishioners. They will attend mass at other parishes rather than attend mass in the parish hall and they may not return. There are many people in our own community who are still trying to recover from the last hurricane and could use our help.
I am not in favor of the complete renovation.
Thank you.”  

“ Please let’s keep Epiphany Cathedral as is. It’s beautiful, we love it.”

“ I do not support plans for a new bell tower and many of the other totally unnecessary updates to Epiphany. Let’s instead make some needed changes: moving the tabernacle to the front of the church instead of behind the moveable wall; move Mary to the front of the church so She can be visible at mass and when you walk in the church; use the money to help the homeless instead of waste it on glamorous changes. Not sure that Jesus would be too pleased to see that kind of money used this way. I plan to go to another church if this plan goes through because I cannot in good conscience support this waste of money. The Bishop needs to read the mission statement to remember what we are supposed to be about.”

“ I can't help but ask why the renovation? Are there structural issues with the current cathedral? My Mom's ashes and memorial brick are in the memorial garden. Disturbing this area would be a terrible idea. No new seating capacity and the loss of parking spaces begs the question why?”

“ My initial reaction to the news about this project is that it is OBSCENE and it has not changed. I am one of those Catholics that believe that "we" are the church. You are not living up to your role as our shepherd - but acting like someone who is trying to solidify your legacy. It is too late. I fear that you will remake our Cathedral and destroy our parish”.

“Repair the cathedral as needed, why spend millions of dollars to also enhance the beauty, especially when it does not include more seating and takes away parking spaces. With the growing population here, we need more room, not a higher ceiling. Use that money for needed ministries.”

“ I have been a member of Epiphany my whole life (49 yrs). Alumni of ECS, all sacraments received here (including marriage), as well as my son's sacraments. Epiphany is beautiful just the way it is. I agree with structural repairs but demolishing it for the sake of making a more lavish (& honestly quite gaudy) building is wrong. The amount of money that would be spent is embarrassing when they are so many more important needs in our area and diocese. Having the biggest church won't attract more people to the church, I feel it will just turn more away.”

“ I want the tabernacle moved to the center and a crucifix over the altar and i would like to see communion rails added in but i dont believe we need to spend 25 million dollars i believe we need to reach the poor in our community and reach out to the young people and educate our children about the faith.”

“ Not happy about this at all. I certainly will not be supporting this. I love our church just the way it is. Do not understand why they are doing this.”

“ We are totally against doing anything to change the church, outside of regular and needed maintenance. The Bishop's architectural preferences mean nothing to us. We have been attending Epiphany for 14 years and liked it from the beginning. The stained glass windows are beautiful and fit into the modern design, as you don't usually see stained glass in newer churches. I would hate to see these removed. And we can't afford to lose parking. We have no plans to support this.”

“ Concerned about funds which could be better spent to help needy families. Seems enough room in current church. However, current parking is difficult with loss of more parking space will make very difficult especially with Venice shoppers using parking lot.”

“The New Epiphany Cathedral rebuilding project is unnecessary, disruptive, divisive and wasteful. It should be abandoned immediately.”

“ After much thought and trying to discern what Epiphany Cathedral needs I have come to the conclusion that the upset of our worship center is totally wrong. After churches were closed during COVID one could not enter the House of the Lord, when we needed so much to be with Him. We have yet to recover from this and will be asked once again not to enter our beautiful Cathedral. Chaos all over the world and now to experience chaos in our worship center. Repairs I am sure need to be done, but this addition and Bell Tower do nothing to add to being in the presence of Jesus. People are hurting financially and spiritually we need to focus on what the mission of our Catholic Faith is all about. I feel Jesus would enter into the new addition and turn the money tables over. I for one will not be contributing too this unnecessary addition.”

“ I am against this project. It is a total waste of money and not needed. We should just repair the existing church and not try to make a glamorous new church for no good reason or need.
If we must spend $25,000,000 we should spend it on Catholic Schools in the parish because that is where it is needed. Our children are the future of our religion and our church! They and we don't need this church project!”

“ Really don’t want to lose those profound words over the altar… and with the explosive growth in south county wouldn’t it please God to see a school rather than a fancy new church that screams “PRIDE” and Our mission statement would then become cynical”

“ My husband, myself & children became Epiphany members starting back in the old Epiphany Church/Chapel, and proudly of the new Cathedral. Now we are extremely against all the cost & unnecessary renovations that are being pushed on us. We do understand problems arise through all these years and must be repaired, but NOT all the glorification of trying to be go over & beyond all this unnecessary costs & outrageous money they are pushing on parishioners who do not wish to support these costs. There are been many changes in the past year we do not support. There are churches in our own diocese that need help, such as Mount Carmel who has never had a “church” built in all these years.
I think money could be much better spent, and we definitely do not support the cost & unnecessary changes & so called modernization”

“ I am not a parishioner, but a snowbird who supports Epiphany through collections and drives throughout our time here over the last twelve years. I completely understand making necessary updates to such a necessary part of the community, but I can't understand why this ridiculously expensive expansion plan is being considered. Does the faith community really need a 75 foot bell tower, or is this the prideful wishes of someone who wants this as a legacy? One of the things I personally love about Epiphany Cathedral community is its dedication to the needy of our community. How does this meaningfully help any of them? The anticipated cost of $28 million will undoubtedly cost much more, and I feel this money--collected during a time when many middle-class families are feeling such a 'pinch'--could be directed in a much more meaningful way. I'm not sure where this idea came from, but it feels like many unnecessary dollars are being spent to stroke someone's ego.”

I have been a parishioner since before the new cathedral was built, completely disagree with his plan. Think it is a waste of time and money, and believe that the parishioners of this diocese could feed a lot of people with $28 million.”

We are opposed to this waste of funds on an unneeded project. We will not be supporting this renovation”.

I oppose epiphany cathedral demolition, I favor just needed repairs, other options are just vanity. I will change my parish if my voice is not heard.”

“ We have been long time Epiphany members , put our children thru school while working 3 jobs to do this . Attended mass in which is now the parish hall also used to go to mass in the little wood church before it was demolished . I agree Epiphany cathedral needs some renovations . But had anyone looked a the school ? My grandchildren now attend and I am just saying it needs serious work . I also know that is our diocese that many churches need some help . Spending this kind of money is ridiculous. All for what ? And then there is the memorial garden when my family is resting !!! They build whole cities around cemeteries and don’t close those off and the bricks with my family members names, what will happen to them . We paid for them ? We honor them ! We take our grandchildren to visit them . Please look deep into your hearts and minds before going thru with this . Keep it simple we don’t need grandour to understand what Jesus would want us to do . Let’s help our neighboring parishes with their needs before our own . “

“I am vehemently opposed to this expansion/building project. Fix the windows, roof, whatever needs fixing, but we don't need a new edifice, as a shrine. I'm involved locally with homeless, veterans, food banks, that's where the money needs to go. Wonder what Pope Francis would think of this project ?”

Heartbreaking , unnecessary, There is so much need to help the poor and needy in this world today , the looks of the Venice Cathedral right now is beautiful”

“In my opinion it would be naïve to think that the Bishop's et al, Pastor's & Deacon's decisions, would depend on a small, limited number of hours in Question & Answer sessions with an equally small number of attendees in the Social Hall. It's a last minute PR stunt, that looks like inclusivity by the Leadership in their plans, but it is not.  It is to appease a large group of parishioners who love Epiphany Cathedral just the way it is, like me, but it does not make a difference or puts a stop to plans that have been discussed a long time ago without public knowledge of the Parishioners. Plans that have been thoroughly worked out, designed and permitted, paid for as well and approved by the City of Venice.

If the Church Leadership was truly that interested and respectful of our Parishioners opinions, all that "inclusive Babble "now, by the Leadership, would and should have had to be initiated long ago: the minute these ideas and repairs/renovations were considered and the costs clearly been declared to all Members of Epiphany Church a long time ago.  Bringing important facts up after the City approved the project is too little too late and will no doubt have an adverse reaction of all the people who will be asked to make financial contributions.”

Friends of Epiphany Cathedral
Some reflections and observations on the Tuesday evening session which I attended.
First, a resounding yes to correcting all the Cathedral’s structural problems . No to a major renovation of the interior and construction of a new bell tower. Under the repairs umbrella, I would include all necessary repairs to the parish school.
With reference to psychology’s distinction between fulfilling a need and fulfilling a want, the proposal to build the bell tower and a massive redo the church’s interior is really the fulfillment of a want. Because medieval Italy built cathedrals with bell towers, doesn’t mean that Epiphany needs to construct a free-standing bell tower. Isn’t it a poor artistic vision to propose building a bell tower because that is what was done centuries ago
Regarding maintenance of parish facilities, why aren’t the 24 pillars along the school’s back fence repaired. The pillars are dirty, the tops of which are disintegrating; the pillars need repair, cleaning and repainting. Currently, the pillars are an eyesore.
Do the necessary repair work to the church and school which is a real need. No to the bell tower and structural changes to the church’s interior which is not a real need.
Whatever we do, let’s do it in light of the Gospel.”

“Fellow Parishioners, 

I would agree with pretty much everything that has been said. I was educated at a Catholic University with an advanced degree in Finance. I have always felt that since God gave me these tools that it is my responsibility to use them for the greater good. As we try to teach our ball players at Venice High, when faced with a difficult choice always ask yourself WWJD. We unfortunately in our country believe that after Vatican II we were empowered to get involved with the decision process. The reality is that our Church is still an autocracy starting with the Pope and trickling down through the, Cardinals, Bishops, Pastors and eventually the parish priests. This decision has already been made. Our only responsibility is to ask for transparency and request a cost benefit analysis. The responsibility for this project, right or wrong rests with the Bishop. Having lived here for more than 47 years, I as many of you, have  participated in every capital raise initiated by Epiphany, I can only say that from a financial perspective in my opinion they are taking the wrong road. It is however, their decision to make. We can  choose to participate or not. WWJD!!”

“I agree that this all seems very unnecessary! The catholic church does like to spend money”

I am appalled at the misuse of funds for the cathedral. My wife and I have been to many churches in the diocese and I can name many of them that need more work than the Cathedral. St. Martha for instance. As soon as you enter the church there is the smell of mildew. There is water damage in the sanctuary in the walls and the ceiling. We should be investing in our future and our future lies in our Catholic schools not a Cathedral that is perfectly fine the way it is. Very sad to see our church leadership being so irresponsible.”

I went to the first meeting, & was surprised our Bishop was not in attendance to hear our voice of reason on this pure Vanity project.
When I learned that permits had already been in motion, I felt as though our voices really didn’t matter at all.
I came away with a sense that this “$25MILLION” project is a very low ball number, & will end up costing much more.
Now is NOT the time for this upheaval to move forward. Most of the parishioners are retired, & are living in a modest responsible way of life.
I will find another church, if this happens, which is sad, because I’ve been a Catholic since birth!”

Please reconsider the 30 million dollar expansion. This is a huge burden the churches of the archdiocese.. The plans show vanity which is a sin”

We have been visiting Venice for the past few years, and we love Epiphany Cathedral. Our hope would be that the diocese leave well enough alone. The cathedral is a beautiful place of worship; and the money would go to much better use to help others in need.”

This plan is for the glory of the Bishop, not our Lord and God.”

God would say this is a waste of money and sinful! Instead educate our children and the poor to be witnesses to Christ and productive citizens! Spending that exorbitant amount of money is absurd and irresponsible when the church is fine just like it is with continual maintenance”

“In my opinion, this money is better spent somewhere else especially if this new construction is not adding the benefit of more seating and parking. It is already so challenging to find both. Epiphany has been my church for 47 years. I grew up in this church. Will be sad to see it changed for no reason. If new plans are made to add more parking and seating then that would make more sense, but current plans make no sense to spend that kind of money over aesthetics.”.

“Saturday, January 14, 2023 Venice Gondolier, "Upgrade will make it suitable to be home to a bishop." and Brian Baker of Baker Liturgical Art LLC, Designer, "The goal is to create a grandiose cathedral........" "Much of the exterior.....bell tower.... will be covered in Portuguese limestone rather then stucco.....including a "cathedra-a raised throne for the bishop." and Finally, "Most of the materials will be imported, many- including the mosaics from Italy." Is this God's will, when there is so much need NOW throughout the Diocese since Ian?”

Message: Epiphany has been our winter parish here in Venice for the past 20+ years. We have supported the parish as well as the school every one of those years but will NOT support such an addition to the already sufficient building. Three times a year, Palm Sunday, Easter and Christmas are the only times the cathedral is filled to capacity and overflow masses are provided. Very seldom is the chapel even used on Sundays during the Snow Bird season. Parking is a necessity and should not be reduced in any case. At a time when inflation is running rampant and many of our young families are struggling to make ends meet, this money could be spent for many other necessary and worthier causes.
We are deeply troubled and we very much oppose any NEW construction at our church. Repairs can easily be made and would certainly suffice. May our dear Lord guide those in authority to make the proper decisions.

Message: Was sick when plan was revealed to parishioners! Seems arrogant and egotistical planning. Desperately need school in south county which could be meaningful legacy for Bishop rather than this fiasco

Message: Thank you for the opportunity to comment. I would suggest the renovations be paired down. Is the bell tower really needed? Reconsider renovations that decrease parking spaces and do not add seats.
I think the $28 M could be used in better ways for outreach groups.
I am a member of Our Lady of Lourdes and the Archdiocese of Venice.
Thank you for your consideration.

Message: The stand-alone bell tower is actually not allowed in the LDRs. The Planning Commission and City Planner gave the wrong information to the CC members. No stand-alone tower buildings are permitted at 75 feet. It has to be connected to the building. That could have been rectified but it should not have been allowed as it stands.

Message: Though I am a snowbird, I have appreciated the Cathedral for many years. I am aghast that there plans to waste such an astronomical sum on unnecessary construction. There are so many pressing needs—hunger, education, homelessness, on and on. It s hard for me to imagine any parishioner spending hard-earned money in this manner. I personally would discontinue any association with the Cathedral, and likely the Diocese.

Message: . We so disapprove of the amount being spent on the remodel of the church. In our current times of the economy, with wars surrounding us, it is just too much money. The money could be spend on housing for low income families, for the Florida resident that can not afford to work and live in Venice. The money could help the farm workers in the middle of our state, that supply our food source. The money and the church could help clean our beautiful gulf coast water system, that God has provided for us. So much more, do we really need a over the top church, for what purpose.
